T-Board Breakout: Ready to launch

T-Board Breakout: Ready to Launch

After 3 iterations, the T-Board is complete.  Well, the first version of the T-Board is complete, and ready for launch.  We’re really excited to have 3 versions of the T-Board, designed to make your prototyping process with Atmel AVR microcontrollers simple and quick.  We developed 3 versions initially:


T-Board 328 and 24/44/84 versions
T-Board 328 and 24/44/84 versions

We received the final versions back from OshPark and couldn’t wait to heat the soldering iron up to get them built.  We’d ordered the components well before the arrival of the boards in anticipation, so were ready to get some solder flowing as soon as they arrived.

It took less than 10 mins a board to get them soldered, and they were up and running with LEDs flashing on each pin another 10 mins later.

This little project reminded us of the prototyping process that many makers go through – in fact most designers of fairly simple systems.  That’s where we really feel the T-Board can add value, by getting a lot of the fiddly stuff out of the way and allowing designers, hobbyists, electronics enthusiasts and makers up and running faster.  Less focus on the capacitors and resistors and more focus on the functionality.

Check our Github repo for the full design files.

Next: T-Board hits production and features in Elektor Magazine


A few years ago I discovered that my programming skills could be used to make real-world things move and flash and beep - I haven't looked back since! I love sharing what I've learned along this pretty bumpy (but very exciting) journey into the world of embedded systems - and that's why this website exists. In addition to the website, I write a series for Nuts & Volts magazine that helps readers to move beyond the Arduino and into the world of AVR. I'm a dad with a couple of energetic youngsters and a really cool wife!

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